D3 Panels

D3= Douglas Fir’s third life. 

First, it was a tree. Then it was a structural beam. Now it’s an architectural panel. What will this panel become? That is up to you. In addition to affixing directly to walls and ceilings, D3 panels are reception and bar fronts, benches, booth backs with upholstery, suspended ceiling panels, café clouds, and shaped fins, room dividers, and shelving. Panels can be engraved and painted. What’s your vision? 

D3 Panelsare made from reclaimedDouglas fir solid and glue laminated beamssourced from the Pacific NW.  

Rigid 3/4" panels are used for walls, ceilings, or as construction material forseating, fixtures, or cabinetry. 3/4" panels are comprised of a 1/4" veneer front and back with a 1/4" MDF core substrate, for single or dual-sided applications.Standard production consists of A/B sides with stain on front and edges only. A/A sides available with stain front and back and all voids filled. D3 Panels come in eight standard finishes with a smooth surface. 

The flexible 1/4" thick panels can be applied to curved and flat surfaces. 1/4" panels are constructed from a 1/8" veneer and 1/8" MDF and paper backer. D3 Panels come in eight standard finishes with a smooth surface. 

Reclaimed marks may include nail holes, staining, and finger joints. Panel edges are stained. A clear finish is applied to all sides for balance. Available in various widths and in 8' and 10' lengths.Panels can be installed with French cleats, Z clips, or trim head screws. Class A and B fire treatment is available. 

Check out our Panels installationGALLERY. 

D3 Panel | Avalon Apts., Seattle, WA